
Adam Levine Chipotle bag meme trends amid cheating scandal

Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine has been trending for a few days now owing to his cheating DM scandal. Four women accused Levine of sending them flirty texts while still being married to his wife Behati Prinsloo. Levine and Prinsloo are currently expecting their third child together.

Now, however, Levine is trending for a completely different reason as several social media users are comparing the singer's full body of tattoos to a Chipotle bag. For those unaware, Chipotle takeout bags are covered with doodles about the brand.

Since a Twitter user made the discovery, the social media platform has been flooded with memes about Levine's bare body and tattoos resembling the doodle-covered bags.

However, this isn't the first time the trend has found its way on social media. The Adam Levine-Chipotle bag memes were a trend in 2019 as well, when fans wondered where the singer, when shirtless, looked like a Chipotle bag.

Twitter is flooded with Adam Levine x Chipotle bag memes

Social media users cannot get enough of the Adam Levine and Chipotle bag memes. While some netizens are talking about the cheating scandal, others are just bringing back memes from 2019. Meanwhile, others are also comparing his body to an Ouija board.

Netizens are also thanking the original TikTok users who first got the Adam Levine-Chipotle bag meme resurface. Others, at the same time, claim that it is the best description of Levine's tattooed body.

Some of Adam Levine's tattoos and their meanings

It is common knowledge that the Memories singer has a number of tattoos, and that they have specific meanings behind them. In fact, one of Levine's tattoos is even dedicated to his wife Behati Prinsloo.

Here are some of his tattoos and what they mean to him -

Rose tattoo

In 2021, the singer seemingly had a rose tattooed near one of his eyebrows to promote his company Calirosa Tequila that he runs with Prinsloo. However, he later revealed that the tattoo was a temporary one and through an Instagram story, he claimed that he would never get a tattoo done on his face.

Japanese-style waves

Adam Levine's left leg is completely covered with a tattoo of Japanese-style waves. He noted that though the experience was painful, it was worth it.


Levine also has a mythical, half-human, half-bird creature, known as a Siren, tattooed across his back. The singer revealed that the massive back tattoo took as many as six months to complete.

The words 'True Love'

The Sugar singer has the words "True Love" tattooed on his knuckles. He reportedly got the tattoo done for Prinsloo, who is a former Victoria's Secret model.


The Maroon 5 singer also has a guitar tattooed on one of his elbows. This was reportedly done to flaunt his love and passion for music.

These are just some of Levine's tattoos, but the singer has a number of other tattoos too, which he often flaunts on his Instagram page.

Although Levine is currently trending for his tattooed body, he recently came into the limelight after Instagram model Sumner Stroh accused him of sending her flirty texts. Since Stroh's accusation, three other women have also accused Levine of sending them flirty DMs while still being married to Prinsloo. One of these three women is his old yoga instructor Alanna Zabel.

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Martina Birk

Update: 2024-08-10