
Duchess Kate is allegedly pregnant with twins, a boy & a girl


We are now more than four months out from Prince William and Duchess Kate’s wedding. Four long months with no baby announcements! You might find the whole “Is she knocked up yet?” debate to be terribly gauche and peasanty when we’re discussing actual royalty, but as I’ve said many times before: Kate is almost definitely going to get pregnant in the first year of marriage. It’s what’s expected of her, I think William is up for it, and God knows, she doesn’t have anything else going on, royal-duty-wise. Her calendar is free for the next year and a half. So, is Kate already knocked up? Star Magazine says she is – and that she’s expecting twins!


The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby boy AND a baby girl, royal insiders reveal! Kate Middleton, 29, is reportedly pregnant with a little prince and princess, her first children with Prince William!

“William almost collapsed with joy — and relief — when Kate called to tell him she was pregnant,” sources tell Star magazine.

The babies would be the first twins ever born into the British royal family. According to tradition – the little boy would immediately become first in line to the throne — making him king when William dies.

The pregnancy news follows speculation the 29-year-old future Queen was too skinny to conceive.

The couple have also been under intense pressure to create an heir to the throne within the first year of married life!

Royal biographer Christopher Wilson confirms, “Kate was under enormous stress to produce an heir quickly. If she delivers healthy twins, it will be wonderful news — a royal first.”

The couple were told the happy news by doctors exactly 100 days after they married in a spectacular ceremony, in front of the entire world, on April 29.

Since then they’ve been relaxing at their love-nest in rural Wales, where William works as a search and rescue helicopter pilot, and preparing for the big arrival!

[From Holly Baby]

A boy and a girl? How lucky would that be? An heir and a spare, in one convenient pregnancy. Yeah… it’s not happening. The twin thing, I mean. I’m sure that Kate is either knocked up already, or she will be soon. But I seriously doubt twinsies. It’s too cute by half, and the tabloids always claim people are having twins.





Photos courtesy of Fame.


Billy Koelling

Update: 2024-08-17