Jazz Mino Talks Self-Acceptance and Biggest Inspirations
Last week, we introduced you to a wonderful new artist called Jazz Mino and her brand new track titled ‘Warriors’.
We were, and still are, deeply impressed with her since she is truly one of a kind: the UK singer has created her artistry around the purpose of spreading self-acceptance and confidence into the world by delivering us meaningful bops.
And today, we could not be any more excited because we can finally lift a big secret: we have had the chance to talk to her in an exclusive interview and ask her all the things we have been dying to ask. Read our interview with the wonderful singer below to find out how Jazz is dealing with personal struggles, what she wishes she had known at an earlier age and who she would love to collaborate with:
Hey Jazz, how are you? How does it feel to have a new song out?
Hey! I’m great, thanks. So happy that the sun is finally out! I had a gig last night in London and played one of my new songs for the first time, so I’m still buzzing from that!
Sounds awesome! Before we truly begin, let me ask you one thing. If you had to describe yourself to our audience in a couple of words: which would they be?
Hey CelebMixers, my name is Jazz and I’m probably most known for my single ‘Crush’, which hit number 5 on the UK club charts. My three favourite things in life right now are the sunshine, Oatly, and my amazing squad.

Perfect! Now let us talk a bit about your Colours campaign which we absolutely love! Tell us about the whole creative process and the reasoning behind it.
Thanks, I’m having so much fun with it! The colour campaign is really all about embracing who you truly are and learning to love, take care of, and accept yourself. I tend to release songs that really mean a lot to me and reflect on some part of my life; so each song represents a different mood and the colour I associate with that mood.
What about your brand new song ‘Warriors’? How did you come up with the blue concept and the song itself?
The theme for my new single, ‘Warriors’ is blue/double denim: ‘Warriors’ is all about having a rough time and getting through it with the help of your squad. For me, the colour blue evokes feelings of sadness but also reminds me of new life. Double denim has sort of made a real come-back in the past year, and this combo just felt like perfect vibe to represent what ‘Warriors’ is about.

May we ask who or what is your personal warrior and why?
I’m a big believer of strength in numbers! My friends and family have such a positive influence on my life, they literally get me through everything. Here’s my warrior list:
- Louis- who is my manager and co-writer: He is literally the most amazing human being. He is one of the most intelligent, driven, passionate & hilarious people I’ve ever been lucky enough to meet.
- Tasha, Nat -my sisters: Both make me cry with laughter at least once a week. They got the funny genes in the family. [laughs]
- Miranda -a friend of mine: She is an absolute angel who I can literally share anything with. No matter what I’m going through, she is always there. She also has the same weird sense of humour as me which I like very much.
- Kerry- who is another friend: She is another absolute golden human being. She’s always there for me for giggles, a good moan or a good food fest. She’s been living in Australia for over a year now and we still chat every day.
- Nina- another friend of mine whom I’ve pretty much known all my life. She’s like a sister to me. Once we get talking there’s literally no stopping us. Our conversations are known to last 3 hours [laughs]. She’s such an amazing, happy positive burst of energy and I couldn’t live without her.
- Anna- my mum: Yes. I am one of those super cheesy people who say their mum is one of their best friends [laughs] She brought up the three of us on her own & not once did I want for anything. She’s just the best in every way.
- Sigrid, Rae Morris, Anne-Marie- who are artists: They inspire me to stay driven, stay true to myself and to strive for what I want. I love their voices, the way they express their feelings through song, and the open, genuine, passionate vibes they give out. My absolute dream is to support them on a tour; they all just put out such positive energy and I want to be part of that. They aren’t afraid to completely be themselves and don’t seem to care about stereotypes.
- Dan, who is my producer: He is one of the most talented musicians I’ve met. He’s produced all my current tracks and he’s the only producer so far that totally gets my vision, my voice
and where I want to take a song. I can totally let my guard down with him, and I think
that this is so important in order to make special music that is authentic to me. I’ve
never had that before in the studio and I feel incredibly lucky to have met him.
How do you decide on which general theme and colour scheme should come up next?
The theme and colour always follow the feeling and message behind the song. I just write lots of songs from the heart, play them to Dan & Louis and then together we pick the song with the most feeling & passion and develop that.
“It’s completely normal to feel [down sometimes], rather than paint a smile on for the world to see.”
What are your personal tips for finding inner strength and confidence when feeling down?
I think we’re all warriors at heart, and no matter how positive a person you are, everybody at some point in life suffers from lack of confidence or feeling down. I think the first step is to accept that it’s completely normal to feel this way, rather than paint a smile on for the world to see.
Apart from reaching out to friends and family, I sort of take it back to basics. Give myself some time out to appreciate the small things in life, long walks in the park, listen to peaceful music, give myself enough rest and making sure I’m eating well and drinking lots. I also find it really useful to write down my worries and for each of them, write three positives about the situation. It really helps me see the bigger picture and not focus so much on tiny details.
Can you tell us a bit about your upcoming projects?
At the moment I’m recording some new songs, and working on a couple of collaborations with some of my favourite DJs and artists. As well as that, I’ve got my next single coming out late May, which I absolutely cannot wait to release. It’s my favourite track I’ve written so far and has a slightly darker edge than ‘Warriors’. Make sure you’re following my artist profile on Spotify so that it appears in your Release Radar.
What is an artist that you would love to collaborate with (either as a feature guest or production/songwriting-wise) and why?
I have a BIG list, there are just so many amazing artists/producers out there.
My top one is to write a song with Max Martin. It’s up there with supporting Sigrid/Rae Morris/Anne-Marie. I absolutely love Sigala’s positive vibe and I would love to write with him and feature
on one of his tracks. I’d also love to work on a feature with Sam Feldt, Martin Jensen, Felix Jaehn, Snakehips, Oliver Nelson, Kungs, Matoma, Bakermat. I dream big! [laughs]
Singer Anne-Marie is one of Jazz Mino’s favorite artists and in her list of dream collaborations. On Friday, she got the chance to meet her during her listening party.
Where would you love to perform one day and why?
One thing I’ve always wanted to do is to travel the world and explore new places and
cultures with my music, so I just want to do more of that really. A couple of my songs
have charted in Vietnam and I think that would be an amazing place to visit.
We have seen that you created a Spotify playlist for your fans. If you had to narrow it down to 5 songs: which ones are your favourites?
Yeah, I have, it’s called ‘In My Head’ and is full of songs I’m really digging. You can find it here.
My 5 favs on it this week are:
With You – DUSK
Drive – Youngr
Sniper – Folly Rae
Atletico (Jack Wins Remix) – Rae Morris
FRIENDS – Marshmello, Anne-Marie
You are also currently promoting mental health issues in schools in the UK. How is it working with children and how were the reactions so far?
The reaction has been great so far, I think students struggle a lot with anxiety and pressures and it’s nice to be able to connect with them and talk to them about my personal battles and how I overcame them. It’s been an amazing experience so far. Despite how much pressure they’re under,
some of the students are so confident, have no filter and really crack me up!
“I’m a strong believer that no matter (…) what you’ve achieved in life; we’re all humans at the end of the day and deserve an equal amount of respect.”
Which are the 3 qualities that we as a society should pay more attention to/focus on developing more in your opinion?
In my opinion, I think society would be a better place if people were more honest and caring towards each other, and not just with friends but people you don’t know too.
It’s hard to live in London sometimes because I watch so many commuters just walk past or step over homeless people as though they aren’t humans and this really gets to me. I’m a strong believer that no matter what job you have, how much money you earn or what you’ve achieved in life; we’re all humans at the end of the day and deserve an equal amount of respect.
2018 is going to be…
Full of sunshine. Full of creativity. Full of laughter. Full of love.
And last but not least: What advice would you like to give our readers?
Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you and make you feel great about yourself. And if you’re in London – Don’t moan about the sun! I know the tube can be grim and sticky when it’s hot, but it’ll last at most a week, and you’ll miss it when it’s gone [laughs]
All of Jazz Mino’s tracks are available for purchase and streaming on the digital retailer/platform of your choice.
Be sure to follow her on Facebook or on Instagram to never miss an update or to simply have some more positive influence in your life.
What do you think about Jazz Mino? Do you like her new song and her positive vibes? Tell us all about by reacting down below or by tweeting us @CelebMix.
Note of the author:
This interview has been edited only for punctuation and style. Otherwise, all answers appear as the interviewed artist intended them
Jazz Mino appears courtesy of Humble Angel Records.
We at CelebMix would like to thank all the participants for this opportunity.