Who is Justin Thomas' mother?

Jani Thomas is the mother of three-time AJGA Junior Champion Justin Thomas.
Despite the fact that her son’s job keeps her quite busy, he maintains a tight relationship with his parents.
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Who is Justin Thomas’ mother Jani Thomas?
The elderly mother is constantly pleased with her son’s accomplishments. She and her husband, Mike Thomas, a head professional at the Harmony Landing Country Club, reared him in Louisville, Kentucky.
The mother and son have a strong bond of love and care. Justin posted a picture of the two of them on his verified Instagram account @justinthomas34 on Mother’s Day.
She nurtured him in a responsible and proper manner as a mother.
She taught him how to deal with life’s difficulties and troubles.
What does Jani Thomas do?
Mike Thomas, her spouse, is a PGA pro at Harmony Landing in Louisville, Kentucky.
Where is Jani Thomas today?
She currently stays in Louisville, KY. Living a sobering life as a wife and a mother.