Who is the Jedi That Saved Grogu in the Mandalorian Episode 4?
Episode 4 of Season 3 of The Mandalorian revealed who rescued Grogu from the Jedi Temple before the execution of Order 66. Kelleran Beq also known as The Saber Hand is a master Jedi. However, who is Master Beq, and what is his significance in The Mandalorian?
During the Padawans’ training on the Jedi Trails, Jedi Master Kelleran Beq was their guide. Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge brought this concept to life.
The series, inspired by The Hidden Temple pitted kids against one another on a Jedi training course. Competitors were led by Master Beq and his complaint droid, AD-3 who challenged them to display their mastery of the Jedi virtues of strength, knowledge and bravery.
You can read more about Jedi Master Kelleran Beq from Ahmed Best’s portrayal of him in Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge. The caring Jedi Master was influenced by Best’s own boyhood love of kung fu movies namely the characters of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and the Shaolin monks.
Who is the Jedi that Saved Grogu?

Kelleran Beq saves Grogu from the dangers of the Jedi temple in the fourth episode of The Mandalorian. Ahmed Best, who hosts Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge plays him on the show. After the other Jedi are slain by troopers, Kelleran Beq appears at the bottom of an elevator.
Despite being followed by the enemies, he manages to get Grogu on board his speeder and into the air. He lures another ship into a collision, then crashes, picks up Grogu and blasts off into hyperspace. As the wiki describes it, Kelleran Beq was a Jedi Master who oversaw the education of Padawans.
He earned the moniker “Sabered Hand” for his prowess with a lightsaber. Best remarked in a previous interview:
“I think what’s most important about the representation of someone like Kelleran Beq as far as being a person of color and the leader of this Temple kind of like the Dean of Jedi”.
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